
sorry i've been totally outta touch with my blog lately! the past couple of months i've been crazy busy and things developing in my personal life and school (one constant thing tho, i'm still penniless as ever!)

i also wanted to announce that i'll be moving from new york city to connecticut next week. come 6/28/06, i'll be in new britain, ct. for those of you who know me, drop me a line so i can give you my new address! i've lived in new york city 1/2 of my life (and that's a long time!), and i'll miss this city like crazy, this is my city. but methinks some good things may be popping up for me in ct this summer. wish me luck on the move!

folks have been asking what's going on with bamboo girl? the next issue is still slated to run sometime, but with school still sucking me dry, and now my moving out of state, the money situation is definitely not fruitful for a print run. but rest assured, i do still plan on showing off all the pintadas ladies (the tattooed asian ladies exhibit i curated last year) in the next issue's spread.

even with the move, i'll be in nyc every week for school (yes the commute will suck), and i'll be keeping my bamboo girl po box at madison park station (pob 507, ny, ny 10159-0507) that i've been keeping for so many years. and the post office will be forwarding all my mail starting next week, so those of you still sending stuff to my address, it'll get to me eventually.

now i'm off to study for acupuncture midterms! ew...